Starting a career as a cartoonist involves creating illustrations, comic strips, or animated characters, often with a blend of humor and storytelling. This creative field can be pursued independently or by collaborating with publishers, media companies, and digital platforms. Here’s a detailed breakdown:


  • Services: Creating original cartoons, comic strips, editorial cartoons, or illustrations for various mediums.
  • Clients: Newspapers, magazines, online platforms, book publishers, and animation studios.

Start-Up Costs

  • Art Supplies: Drawing tools, paper, inks, costing approximately $200 – $1,000.
  • Digital Equipment: A good-quality drawing tablet and software, ranging from $500 to $3,000.
  • Workspace: Can be a home office or studio, with minimal additional cost if already available.
  • Marketing: Website and portfolio development, social media promotion, approximately $300 – $1,000.

Typical Fees and Potential Earnings

  • Freelance Rates: Depending on experience and the publication, rates can range from $50 to $500 per cartoon or illustration.
  • Earnings: Vary greatly based on client base, publication frequency, and popularity. Annual earnings can range from $10,000 for beginners to $100,000+ for established cartoonists.


  • Online Portfolio: Essential for showcasing work and attracting clients.
  • Social Media: Platforms like Instagram and Twitter can be effective for gaining visibility.
  • Networking: Joining cartoonist communities and attending industry events.


  • Artistic Skills: Strong drawing ability and a unique style.
  • Storytelling: Aptitude for humor, satire, or narrative storytelling.
  • No Formal Education Required: Though art courses or a degree in fine arts can be beneficial.

Equipment Needed

  • Traditional Tools: Pens, pencils, inks, paper.
  • Digital Tools: Drawing tablet, computer, digital art software.

Home Business Potential

  • Highly suitable for a home-based operation, especially for freelancers.

Staff Needed

  • Typically a solo profession, but may collaborate with writers or other artists for certain projects.

Hidden Costs

  • Software Subscriptions: Ongoing costs for digital art software.
  • Marketing: Continuous investment in promoting work and finding new clients.
  • Continuing Education: Staying current with new tools and techniques in illustration and animation.


A career as a cartoonist offers great creative freedom and the potential for widespread recognition. The field is suitable for those with strong artistic talents and a unique point of view. Initial costs are relatively low, especially if working from home. Success as a cartoonist depends on developing a distinctive style, consistently producing high-quality work, and effectively marketing oneself to build a client base and audience.